From the recording Good Morning Glory


Good Morning Glory
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, And to the Republic for which it Stands, One Nation
Under God, and Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All, And All Should Say, Good Morning Glory.

Good Morning Glory, It’s good to see you again,
Good Morning Glory, Keep on Flying in the wind,
Fly High O’er America, Keep Us Proud and Free,
Good Morning Glory, Keep on Flyin’ In the Breeze!

I proudly serve my Country, Just like my Fathers before me, And the Freedom, for which we have, they gave their lives up for it,
The Land of America, The Red White and Blue.
And they did it for You, and Good Morning Glory…

Good Morning Glory, It’s good to see you again,
Good Morning Glory, Keep on Flying in the wind,
Fly High O’er America, Keep Us Proud and Free,
Good Morning Glory, Keep on Flyin’ In the Breeze!